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Clarification of the original question:I have a 2000 page document with several thousand instances of formatting in two forms that need to be changed. They forms needing to be changed look like this:

1. you2i

2. you 2i

I need all of these abberent instances to be changed to:

  • 1. you2i

The built-in Copy/ReplaceAll feature only allows the formatting to be of one kind at a time, not mixed formatting. It removes mixed formatting when using the "ReplaceAll" feature. What is the solution?

Read more: How_In_Microsoft_Word_2010_The_built-in_CopyReplaceAll_feature_only_allows_the_formatting_to_be_of_one_kind_at_a_time_not_mixed_formatting_so_how_to_do_mixed_formatting

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Q: How In Microsoft Word 2010 how do you make youxx into youxx where xx indicates that it is a superscript of TWO characters One is a number and one letter Several hundred addreplaces?
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Lithium with a superscript (Li^+) is the lithium ion, which is a cation with a positive charge. It is a small, colorless and odorless ion. The superscript indicates the charge of the lithium ion.

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Superscript indicates amount of charge on ion. It describes magnitude of charge.

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The chemical symbol for bromide is Br^-. This notation indicates that the bromide ion has a charge of -1.

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The symbol for a magnesium ion is Mg^2+. The superscript 2+ indicates that the magnesium ion has a positive charge of 2.

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32 The small number two is called the power, exponent or superscript and indicates how many times you multiply the large number

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A positively charged proton is written as "p+" or "H+." The "p" stands for proton and the superscript "+" indicates that the particle has a positive charge.

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