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100 times louder. You will hardly hear a 20 db(SPL) sound at all.

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12y ago

The sound is 40 dB louder.

When you measure the sound with a SPL meter (Sound Pressure Level),

then the "sound pressure" is 100 times more.

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11y ago

100 times.

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Q: How many times louder is a 20 decibel sound than a 0 decibel sound?
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A sound wave with an intensity of 83 dB is about 8 times louder than a sound wave with an intensity of 70 dB. This is because the decibel scale is logarithmic, and every increase of 10 dB represents a sound wave that is 10 times more intense.

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1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.

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The difference in sound intensity between the orchestra and the soloist is 20 dB. Since the decibel scale is logarithmic, a 10 dB increase represents a doubling of sound intensity. Therefore, the orchestra is 100 times louder than the soloist.

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80 decibels is how many times louder than 60 decibels?

The sound pressure level of 80 dB is a 10 times higher measure than the sound pressure level of 60 dB. Louder ist not the correct word, because it belongs to psycho acoustics and tells the loudness feeling.

How many decibel does a car produce?

It depends on how close at the car you measure the sound with a sound pressure level meter.

How many times more intense is a 90 dB sound than a 60 dB sound?

A 90 dB sound is 1,000 times more intense than a 60 dB sound. This is because the decibel scale is logarithmic, with every 10 dB increase representing a tenfold increase in intensity.

How many decibels does the human heart make?

Does a heart make decibels? Never heard a heart.

What is the decibel level of animal speech?

dolphins make lots of diffrent noises cause they communicate.if they communicate, they make diffrent noises.

How many times louder is 100 dB that 10 dB?

A 10 dB sound pressure level (SPL) is 0.000063 pascal and 100 dB is 2 pascal. Loudness is a problematic psycho acoustic feeling. I don't know what three times louder really means.

How many times louder is 80dB compared to 40dB?

80 dB is 10 times louder than 70 dB, and 70 dB is 10 times louder than 60 dB, and so on. Therefore, 80 dB is 1000 times louder than 40 dB.

How many times louder than a jackhammer does the front row at a rock concery sound?

The front row at a rock concert can be about 120-130 decibels, while a jackhammer is around 100 decibels. Therefore, the front row at a rock concert can be about 1000-10,000 times louder than a jackhammer.