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Definately. there are heaps of uses for it like building fences and so on.

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Q: Is Pythagoras's theorem still used today?
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yes it is still used today

How is Pythagorean theorem used today?

The theorem of Pythagoras is used in mathematics (primarily in trigonometry and geometry), physics (for a variety of things) and is also employed in architecture and design. it is also used to find any side of a right angle triangle

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the tank is still used today. For example the M1 Abrams is still used

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long houses are not still used today

Can a corollary be used to prove a theorem?

Yes, the corollary to one theorem can be used to prove another theorem.

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yes it is still being used today.......depends where your at.

How the Pythagoras theorem is used today?

The Pythagorean theorem is used today for the same thing it was invented for: to describe the relationship between the length of the three sides of a right triangle. Using the Pythagorean theorem, you can find the the length of the third side of a right triangle with two known lengths. This can be useful in a variety of math-based situations, such as when you need to determine the distance between two known points on a graph.

What theorem is used in vacuum tubes?

Millman's theorem