Yes Archimedes crown was pure gold. how they know this is that they weighed the dentisity of the crown.
You may be referring to the story of how Archimedes was able to determine if a crown had been made of pure gold (or less-than-pure gold) by measuring how much water the crown and an equal weight of pure gold displaced.
Archimedes came across concept of density - that is MASS divided by VOLUME. For each substance this ratio is different but a CONSTANT for that substance. Thus the mass you are dealing with is irrelevant if the crown had the same ratio as the piece of pure gold then the crown was pure god, if it did not then the crown was not gold.
Archimedes would have used the principle of displacement to compare the volume of the crown to the volume of the pure gold piece. If the volumes were equal, then the crown is pure gold. If the crown had a higher volume, it would mean that it was mixed with another material, making it less dense than pure gold.
By studying the displacement of water caused by pure gold and silver of the same mass, he proved that the gold crown was not of pure gold as claimed by the jeweller.
Archimedes was told by the king to find out if his crown was made of pure gold, calculating the density of the crown, Archimedes found it to be a mix of gold and silver.
Archimedes came across concept of density - that is MASS divided by VOLUME. For each substance this ratio is different but a CONSTANT for that substance. Thus the mass you are dealing with is irrelevant if the crown had the same ratio as the piece of pure gold then the crown was pure god, if it did not then the crown was not gold.
Archimedes used water displacement to determine the volume of the crown and compared it to the volume of pure gold of the same weight. If the crown's volume was greater, meaning it had been alloyed with a less dense metal, then the king's crown was not made of solid gold.
Archimedes thought that if the gold crown and the gold bar had the same mass and volume, the crown was pure gold and if they didn't, the crown was a fake and the jeweller was a fraud. (I just had to do this for homework. I'm right!)
The Archimedes story relates that Archimedes had been trying to determine if the King's crown was pure gold, without having to melt it down (destroying it) to see. Archimedes sat down in the tub and noted that the water rose in the tub, and that he realized that the volume of water displaced was equal to the volume of Archimedes himself. This gave him an insight into how to determine the volume of the crown; by submerging the crown in water and measuring how far the water rose, this would give him the volume of the crown. He could then weigh the crown and calculate the density of the crown, and determine that the crown was not pure gold.
different objects have a different density so since gold is more dense than silver the crown made of pure gold would be heavier than the silver crown.
He discovered the difference in density between gold and silver when placed under water, and noticed that the crown was not pure gold. The crowns maker was later beheaded.