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The first 2000 fibonacci numbers are:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1 597, 2 584, 4 181, 6 765, ...,

1 613 690 407 208 803 110 368 054 655 512 385 458 104 297 651 135 837 630 613 006 906 830 534 714 332 207 399 493 712 880 325 169 219 450 288 448 308 295 759 737 042 197 230 572 665 380 604 023 286 891 373 247 401 696 785 508 319 080 928 645 347 611 356 230 348 985 485 765 701 044 050 512 455 172 224 518 702 511 435 579 887 743 259 875 485 129 874 105 990 640 258 275 618 868 473 552 367 070 769 298 850 271 876 109 808 326 945 609 587 521 220 740 165 418 675 860 877 711 839 171 679 169 466 490 340 360 129 402 065 732 948 246 476 990 402 668 440 811 624,

2 611 005 926 183 501 768 338 670 946 829 097 324 475 555 189 114 843 467 397 273 230 483 773 870 037 923 307 730 410 719 313 972 291 638 157 639 230 613 843 870 597 997 481 070 930 648 667 960 025 707 364 078 851 859 017 098 672 504 986 584 144 842 548 768 373 271 309 551 281 830 431 960 537 091 677 315 014 266 625 027 123 872 238 011 234 749 984 205 478 230 617 988 978 500 613 170 516 952 885 123 444 971 471 854 671 812 569 739 975 450 866 912 490 650 853 945 622 130 138 277 040 986 146 312 325 044 424 769 652 148 982 077 548 213 909 414 076 005 501,

4 224 696 333 392 304 878 706 725 602 341 482 782 579 852 840 250 681 098 010 280 137 314 308 584 370 130 707 224 123 599 639 141 511 088 446 087 538 909 603 607 640 194 711 643 596 029 271 983 312 598 737 326 253 555 802 606 991 585 915 229 492 453 904 998 722 256 795 316 982 874 482 472 992 263 901 833 716 778 060 607 011 615 497 886 719 879 858 311 468 870 876 264 597 369 086 722 884 023 654 422 295 243 347 964 480 139 515 349 562 972 087 652 656 069 529 806 499 841 977 448 720 155 612 802 665 404 554 171 717 881 930 324 025 204 312 082 516 817 125

[I'll leave you to fill in the missing 1977 numbers)


In general, you're not going to get an answer on this site that lists 2,000 items.

But don't go away disappointed. You can easily generate these for yourself.

Start with 0, 1, 1 .

To get the next number, add the last two numbers on the list, and write it

at the end of the list. Then simply rinse and repeat.

You're reproducing the Fibonacci Series on your own, and you can go as far

as you want, until you get tired or lose interest.

You'll have a bit of trouble reaching 2,000 terms, though, just because they get

very big very fast.

The 78th number on the list is 8,944,394,323,791,464, and after that, they start

getting big.

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