Conveniently is an adverb meaning in a way that is ideal or not difficult. A convenience is a noun meaning an ideal quality or situation.
A convenience shop is a small supermarket that is usually conveniently open long hours.
The noun convenience has the adjective form convenient (handy, or advantageous). The adverb form is conveniently.
random sample is a big sample and convenience sample is small sample
The difference between convenience and incidental sampling is that convenience sampling chooses the easiest people to reach when a sampling is done, whereas incidental sampling is done at random.
That is the correct spelling of "convenient" (readily or easily available).
As far as I know, there is no difference. "Math" is just short for "Mathematics".
a relationship of convenience is dating someone simply because he or she is around all the time (i.e. conveniently located in your life) rather than having a real romantic connection with them.....
The word conveniently is the advert form for the adjective convenient. The noun form for the adjective convenient is convenience.
They are the same thing. Exam. is a shortened version of examination made so for convenience
these are the products which u use on a daily basis. like bread butter milk etc these r conveniently available everywhere
A convenience product are items that the consumer purchases frequently, conveniently, and with a minimum of shopping effort. Toothpaste and hand soap would be examples of convenience products. So would ATM Cash withdrawals.