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histogram of linegraph

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Q: What type of graph do you use for continuous data?
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When do you use a broken line graph?

you use a broken line graph usually for showing continuous data (data with growth over time)

Why should you use a line graph?

when both of your variables are continuous sets of data

What type of graph is best to use to show data in equal intervals?

line graph

How would you tell what type of graph you use?

You usually want to use a bar graph. If you have a year of data you probably want to use a line graph.

What type of data would you use a circle graph show?


How can you use a graph to find out if the domain is continuous or discrete?

If you can trace the graph without lifting your pencil then it is continuous.

What type of graph do you use when your data is in percents?

When your data is in percents, a common type of graph to use is a pie chart. This type of graph is particularly useful for showing the distribution of a whole, where each category represents a percentage of the total. A pie chart is visually appealing and easily highlights the proportion of each category.

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.

What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?

It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

What type of graph is best to use to compare two sets of data?


What type of charts can be used to express data?

you can use a pie chart, a graph chart, or a graph chart. Hope i helped!

When should you use a bar chart and when should you use a line graph?

You should use a bar chart when you have a categoric or an ordered independent variable and a continuous dependent variable. You should use a line graph when you have continuous data E.g continuous dependent. So if you wanted to show individual totals like sales for each month of the year, each could be a separate bar. You could use a line chart to show how changes are on a continuous basis.