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Q: What type of graph shows no identifiable trends?
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Related questions

What type of graph shows trends?

Bar graphs

Which type of graph usually shows trends over time?

a line graph

What is a type of distribution where a line graph shows the general trends in a set of data of which most values are near the mean?


Type of graph that is useful for showing trends or continuous change?


Which type of graph would best display data for showing trends?

line graph

What kind of graph shows changes to data over time with points connected to each other?

A line graph is used to display data over time with points connected by lines. This type of graph highlights trends and patterns in the data.

What is the type of graph that is useful for showing trends or continuous change?

A line graph is useful for showing trends or continuous change. Other kinds of graph also will show these, but a line graph is usually clearest.

What type of chart is used to plot trends?

semilogarithmic graph paper allows you to plot trends.

A graph that shows the age distribution of a population is called?

A population pyramid is a graph that shows the age distribution of a population, typically divided into age cohorts, with younger individuals at the base and older individuals at the top. This type of graph provides insights into the demographic structure and trends within a population.

What type of graph shows continuous data?

a line graph

What is the type of graph that is useful for showing trends or continuous change is?

the answer for this magnificent sentence is no thing there can not possible be an answer

Type of graph that shows the relationship between two varables?

Bar graph.