Since Archimedes had so many ideas, the answer to this question is a matter of opinion. My choice is the "Archimedian Screw" which was a "spin off" of his basic mechanical screw. His Archimedian Screw was basically a tube or pipe, bent into a helical form [sort of like enclosing the threads on an ordinary screw, OR wrapping a water hose around a barrel in a spiral fasion]. When the lower end was inserted into a body of water and the screw was turned on its axis, it lifted the water up through the tube. Some very large, very high volume pumps pumps in use today still operate on his principle. I agree with what is said above, but I just wanted to add that Archimedes was a Greek Mathematician and Inventor Tashidog
Many people know the story of Archimedes, who, when asked to determine whether a crown was made of pure gold or a fraudulent silver alloy, was suddenly inspired by the displacement of water in his bath tub to think of a method for solving the problem and jumped from the bath shouting, “Eureka!”
Archimedes was a Greek Scholar, not a discovery.
The event leading to Archimedes discovery is finding gold
Archimedes was a Greek Scholar, not a discovery.
No, Archimedes is not credited with the discovery of decimals. In fact, Jamish Al-Kashi is credited with the discovery of decimals.
The event leading to Archimedes discovery is finding gold
This happened in the past so we say what discovery madeArchimedes famous?Archimedes discovered that an object when immersed in waterit displaces an amount of water equal to its own volume.Archimedes also invented the Archimedes screw - a device for moving water.
this bloody websight
Archimedes is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cyclinder. He is known for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle (known as Archimedes' principle) and a device for raising water, still used in developing countries, known as the Archimedes screw.
people helped him discover it in th 1678
In a word Archimedes influences "everyone" if he had not made his discovery there would be no people today trying to add technology to his invention so he has helped millions and trying to add all that technology that has made many jobs. That's who i think Archimedes has influenced.