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Archimedes was killed on the beach by a soldier. The quote "Do not disturb my circles!" is given as his last words, though it is debated whether or not he actually said this.

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Q: Which greek mathematician was killed by a roman soldier?
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Which greek mathmematician was killed by a roman soldier?


Who killed Archimedes?

A roman soldier

What did Archimedes die of?

he didn't die of anything he just got killed by a roman soldier.

Which war did Archimedes die in?

He died in the Second Punic War, when a Roman soldier attacked him. There are many different cases, on what he did when the soldier killed him.

What is 1 fact about Archimedes?

212 or 211 BC in Syracuse when it was being sacked by a Roman army. He was killed by a Roman soldier who did not know who he was.

Who is ptolemis?

Ptolemy was a Roman citizen of Egypt who had wrote in Greek. He was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer, and a poet of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology. He lived in Egypt under a Roman rule and is believed to have been born in the town of Ptolemais Hermiou in the Thebaid. He died in Alexandria around AD 168.

Why did an enraged Roman soldier kill Archimedes?

Archimedes was trying to test an experiment to see how to focus light with big iron plates. the Roman came and accidently interfered with the experiment and Archimedes had a go at him. The Roman soldier not recognising or not caring about Archimedes brilliant mind and discoveries killed him on the spot

Who discovered notation?

Archimedes, the son of a astronomer named Phidias of Greece whom we know nothing about. He was born in Syracuse, Greece in 287 B.C and died in 212 B.C. He was killed by a roman soldier because the roman soldier knew nothing about his identity.

How did Antony kill himself?

Marc Antony killed himself by "falling on his sword" which was the Roman way of saying he stabbed himself in the gut. This was the honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.

Who discovered scientific notation?

Archimedes, the son of a astronomer named Phidias of Greece whom we know nothing about. He was born in Syracuse, Greece in 287 B.C and died in 212 B.C. He was killed by a roman soldier because the roman soldier knew nothing about his identity.

How did Marc Antony kill himself?

Marc Antony killed himself by "falling on his sword" which was the Roman way of saying he stabbed himself in the gut. This was the honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.

A roman soldier that leads a century?

A Roman soldier that leads a century is called a centurion.