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A roman soldier

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Q: Who killed Archimedes?
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Who gave Archimedes his death?

One of Marcellus' Roman soldiers killed Archimedes.

What was Archimedes doing when he was killed?

Archimedes was concentrating on a mathematical drawing he had made in the dust when he was killed by a soldier during the siege of Syracuse 212 BC

Which century BC did Archimedes live?

Archimedes lived from about 287 BC to about 212 BC in Greece.

Which greek mathmematician was killed by a roman soldier?


Who was killed when he was busy solving math problem?

Archimedes was killed by the Romans while solving a math problem.

Where did Archimedes die?

Archimedes was murdered in Syracuse, Sicily in 211 B. C.

Who was achimedes?

Archimedes was a murderer. he killed his wife and children after raping them

How did Archimedes die and when?

When the Romans attacked Syracuse, the troops were told to take Archimedes alive. As they invaded the city, troops were sent out to raid and find the scientist. As legend has it, when Archimedes was found, he was involved in some task and refused to be interrupted. When the soldier who found him became impatient, he killed Archimedes

What did Archimedes die of?

he didn't die of anything he just got killed by a roman soldier.

Why did an enraged Roman soldier kill Archimedes?

Archimedes was trying to test an experiment to see how to focus light with big iron plates. the Roman came and accidently interfered with the experiment and Archimedes had a go at him. The Roman soldier not recognising or not caring about Archimedes brilliant mind and discoveries killed him on the spot

Which greek mathematician was killed by a roman soldier?

Archimedes was killed on the beach by a soldier. The quote "Do not disturb my circles!" is given as his last words, though it is debated whether or not he actually said this.

Who invented Archimedes' screw?

Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.