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Aristotle developed a theory that the earth was the center of the universe, and all the planets were attached to it via fifty-five invisible spheres. The moon was close enough to be within the earth's realm, and as a result, possessed the ability to go through phases. He believed these spheres were made up of a substance he called Aether.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

Aristotle thought the Earth was spherical because during a eclipse he saw the Earth’s shadow on the moon and it was round.

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Leonel Marvin

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βˆ™ 3y ago
great answer tyy!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

he thought i was spherical because a magic fairy ate the eRth and it was round so she spit it out

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Q: Why did Aristotle believe in the geocentric theory?
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Geocentric theory originated with the man named?

geocentric theory originated with the man named Aristotle.

Did Aristotle believe geocetrik or heliocentrik?

Aristotle believed geocentric.

Did Aristotle believe in geocentric or heliocentric?

Aristotle believed in a geocentric model, where the Earth is at the center of the universe, with celestial bodies revolving around it.

Why Aristotle believe in geocentric?

Aristotle believed in a geocentric model of the universe because it aligned with his concept of natural motion, where he believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that celestial bodies moved in uniform circular motion around it. This perspective was also supported by observations of apparent motion of celestial bodies in the sky.

Earth at the center of a series of concentric spheres?


Was Aristotle the person who created the geocentric theory?

Aristotle was the first to develop a geocentric theory. But it is generally accepted that the Greek astronomer Ptolemy provided the most elaborated model of the geocentric view of the universe in which the Earth was the center. This idea lasted for centuries until the time of Copernicus.

Who believed in geocentric theory?

Plato and his student Aristotle believed in the geocentric theory. It was the ruling explanation model about how our solar system was put together for several hundreds of years.

Who believed in the Geocentric theory?

The ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy is famously known for his support of the geocentric theory, which positioned Earth at the center of the universe with the Sun, Moon, and planets orbiting around it. This model dominated Western understanding of the cosmos for over a thousand years.

Who introduced the idea of ellipitical orbits in geocentric theory?

The idea of elliptical orbits in the geocentric theory was introduced by the ancient Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who proposed a complex system of epicycles and deferents to explain the observed motion of celestial bodies.

Who first proposed the geocentric Solar system Theory?

The geocentric Solar system theory was first proposed by ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and further developed by astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. This theory placed Earth at the center of the universe with all celestial bodies, including the Sun, planets, and stars, orbiting around it.

Why did Aristotle's geocentric theory fail to match expected predictions?

A few celestial objects appear to have retrograde motion.

Why did Aristotle's geocentric theory fail to match the expected predictions?

Aristotle's geocentric theory failed to match the expected predictions because it incorrectly placed Earth at the center of the universe, leading to inaccuracies in predicting the motions of celestial bodies. With the advancement of observational astronomy and the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus and later confirmed by Kepler, it became evident that Earth revolves around the Sun, not vice versa.