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It depends on the size of the feathers. They vary greatly in size: from the wing feathers of some birds to the downy feathers of others.

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Q: How many feathers can fit in 1000ft x 1000ft x 500ft box?
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Who catches hummingbirds for their feathers?

Kaiser catches humming birds by shooting them down with his catapult and then collecting their feathers and keeping it in a match box

What happens after 62 feathers on Assassin's Creed 2?

nothing special happens when you collect 62 feathers, but at 50 feathers you will be able to purchase a special weapon, and with 100 feathers you will get a special cape. make sure to give the feathers to your mother, by placing them in the box in her room.

Why do es a pound of books and a pound of feathers weigh the same?

Because each is a pound. If it helps to visualize it, think of a pound of books being a small box and a pound of feathers being a very big box.

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The way the featherbed is constructed and the feathers inside will be distributed,

Which weighs more feathers or rocks?

Answer That seems like a trick question to me! You could certainly gather enough feathers to equal the 'weight' of a rock. Weight is a measure of gravitational force on an object. The pull of gravity on a rock and a feather will be the same. In a vacuum, they will both fall at the same rate. They will both hit the bottom at the same time. Now of course, rocks feel heavier than feathers. But you could gather enough feathers so that a box of feathers feels just about as heavy as a rock. So which weighs more? Feathers or rocks? The question you should probably ask is which has more 'mass'. A measure of mass doesn't change with altitude, as does weight. Mass will be the same measurement for an object no matter where you take the measurement. And even better, you should probably ask which has the bigger density. Density is mass per volume. And then, of course, the answer is easy to give: rocks have a bigger density than feathers. Because if you take a box filled with rocks and a box filled with feathers, and if both boxes have the same size (the same volume) then the box with rocks is going to have the bigger mass.

In the orbiting space shuttle you are handed two identical closed boxes one filled with sand and the other filled with feathers How can you tell which is which without opening the boxes?

In order to find out which box contains the sand, you hold the box in your hands, while you stand with your back against the wall. Next you would try to push the box away from your body. If the box id difficult to push away from your body then it must contain the sand. We know this because sand has more inertia than feathers!

How do you figure out how many pounds are in a bushel?

Refer to a matter density table or fill a bushel container & then weigh it.===Weight versus volumeA recurring problem -- an incessant, nagging, chronic one -- is the confusion people have with weight and volume. They are NOT the same. Weight is an indirect measure of mass, whereas volume is an direct measure of space. Think of it this way: a pound of feathers and a pound of rocks have the same weight (which means they have the same mass, since weight is a function of mass, and they therefore represent the same amount of matter -- stuff!) But they do not occupy the same volume. Clearly, a pound of feathers will take up way more space than a pound of rocks.Or think of it THIS way: If you have a shoe box filled with feathers and an identical shoe box filled with rocks, which will weigh more? Clearly, the box of rocks. Both the feathers and the rocks occupy the same volume -- a shoe box -- but the box of rocks has greater mass and, hence, greater weight.Which brings us -- tada! -- to a bushel. A bushel is a unit of volume, just like a shoe box is. If you have a bushel of feathers, it will weigh less than a bushel of rocks -- or a bushel of corn, or a bushel of buckwheat, or a bushel of apples. In other words, you are going to have to find a table that shows how much a bushel of whatever it is you have weighs, because a bushel of each substance will weigh something different.

What is the weight of H beam 75mmx 150mmx6mlong x 7mmthk?

You're a total life noob, it depends on the density and molecular weight of the matererial. Which falls faster? a) 1kg box of feathers; or b) 1kg box of lead.

In I Spy Treasure Hunt where is the mousetrap on page 12 13?

The mousetrap is standing on end, leaning against the little box with a black and white duck on it, above the Xylophone game box, and to the right of the white bird's feathers.

Where can I find materials to make a peacock costume?

Try craft stores like Michaels and the craft sections of big box retailers like Wal Mart and Target and you should find different types of feathers for sale. Online, peacock feathers can be bought on and

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