The Heath Company was purchsed by Howard Anthony in 1935 after his founder Edward Heath died in a plane crash. The first "kit" was a 5" Osciloscope to be built from World War II suprlus components. The kit was sold for $39.50 in 1947.
Heathkit was created in 1926.
This is a Stabistor - IG1271 - STB620 Lots of Heathkit part cross-references at; Google is your friend, try [heathkit parts cross-reference] for more...
For sound
The product is(the product of the first term of each)plus(the product of the last term of each) plus(the product of the first term of the first and the last term of the second) plus(the product of the first term of the second and the last term of the first).
Books were the first mass marketed product.
there was no first product, she came out with a line of products,
Books were the first mass marketed product.
My father built some of the early Heathkits. He made me a CR1 crystal radio as well. That would have been in the mid 1960's.
Wood is the first product colonist sold for money.
PGA is the first stable product of The Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis.
The first product to have a barcode was Wrigleys gum.
The first product to be banned from television was a penis shaped yoghurt by Muller