About 250 square miles.
Berkeley, California, USA - 17.7 total square miles (7.2 square miles is water).
163,696 sq miles of which 4.7% is water
California has a total land and water area of 163,696 square miles.
Area of water: 139,668,500 square miles (361,740,000 km), equals 71% of the total surface of the Earth.
Manitoba has a surface water area 39,225 square miles or about 15.6% of the total area.
India is about 1,269,210 square miles, or 3,287,240 square kilometers, of which about 9.56% is water.
Land covers 29.22 percent of the Earth's surface. This is about 57.5 million square miles (149 x 106 square kilometers). Water covers the other 70.78 percent of the Earth's surface. This is about 139.4 million square miles (361 x 106 square kilometers
With a water surface area of 31,700 square miles, Lake Superior is the largest of all the Great Lakes. Lake Erie has a water surface area of 9,910 square miles.
316944046.766 square mi. in the world including land and water
North Dakota has 2,948 square miles of surface water or about 2.4% of the total area of 70,700 square miles
There are approximately 57.5 million square miles of land on earth, only 29.2 percent of the earth's surface.