Archimedes (287-212 BC) was supreme and greatest Greek mathematician. He solved the problem of buoyancy. He established the laws of the lever. He Devised a method of displacement volumes (the Eureka formula).he Made creative war machines to fight off the Romans. He Invented calculus (although this was forgotten)
Archimedes and his inventions, Properties', and Math Archimedes was an impressive scientist and mathematician as well as a potent inventor. He was the creator of Pi, defender of Syracuse, and a genius on top of that. We shall see with our minds eye how he applied himself in various situations. The golden crown was one of the first causes of Archimedes discoveries. King Heiro II asked to find out if a goldsmith had cheated him in making his new crown. King Heiro thought the goldsmith had mixed in cheaper silver. Since Archimedes could not melt the crown down and compare it to an equal amount of gold he had to come up with a different idea. The answer came to Archimedes in a bath. When Archimedes got in the bath it overflowed. This gave Archimedes an idea. Forgetting to dress he ran outside screaming "Eureka." "Eureka." This in English means I found it. By putting an equivalent of the gold that's in the crown in water and marking it they could find out if they used lighter silver in the crown. When the crown was submerged the water did not reach the line proving the goldsmith had cheated the king. Archimedes made several inventions. The Archimedes's Screw was a device that could be used as a pump as seen in the visual aid (display working of screw) another invention of his was the planetarium the small planets were moved by a series of gears inside the machine. However, the device was never found. Also he claimed to have invented a death ray that focused the sun's rays onto one spot and could be used to light ships on fire. This was proven wrong in 2007 by the show Mybusters. Archimedes spent a great amount of time working with math and geometry. He is credited with inventing Pi which is used to find the perimeter and area of a circle. People said that he spent most of his time drawing shapes and quoting one of his servants. "When he did let us bath him he would draw on his own body during the bath." Archimedes final months were spent defending Syracuse from Roman soldiers. The Roman Empire sieged Syracuse from the land and from the sea. The naval attack was first. The attack was foiled by siege engines and Archimedes personal weapon the claw of Archimedes. The claw acted like a crane a rope on the end was attached to enemy ships once secure the claw was swung up flipping or capsizing the ship. A few days later a group of marines attacked in the middle of the night. And instead of walking up the path to the city people behind walls shot iron spikes at them from catapults forcing them to retreat. The land assault was likewise. The Romans blockaded the trade routes and made Syracuse starve for six months with they attacked again. This time they entered the city. A roman solider slew Archimedes in the attack. His last words were "Do not disturb my circles." The moral focus trait that radiates from him appears to be wisdom and he used it when making most of his inventions and laws. He used it in making the Archimedes Screw, Pi, and in figuring out the golden crown. The water screw is still used today as well as Pi.
its in invention that that Archimedes made but it didnt work
If you are referring to Archimedes of Syracuse, then he was a good guy.
Archimedes was murdered in Syracuse, Sicily in 211 B. C.
Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.
One of the things that Archimedes did not do is that Archimedes did not write Elements of Geometry.
Archimedes didnt get Nobel prize. Some of his discoveries / inventions are: Archimedes principle, Archimedes screw, claw of Archimedes.
What is Archimedes origin?
The full name of the scientist Archimedes is Archimedes of Syracuse. He was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer who made significant contributions to mathematics and physics. Archimedes is best known for his work in geometry, including the calculation of pi, and for his principle of buoyancy known as Archimedes' principle.
He is only known as Archimedes of Syracuse ( now Sicily).
Yes, Archimedes was an inventor.
what was archimedes arwared
Who was archimedes employer
Archimedes was not a chemist.
Archimedes was not a chemist.