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Q: A radioisotope has a half-life of 6.0 hours What fraction of the original mass will remain after 12.0 hours?
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After each half-life, half of the radium-226 will decay. Therefore, after four half-lives, 1/2^4 or 1/16th of the original gram of radium-226 will remain unchanged. This means that 1/16th of a gram, or 0.0625 grams, will still be unchanged after four half-lives.

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Approx 1/8 will remain.

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The rock is approximately 3.2 million years old. This can be calculated by dividing the half-life of the radioisotope (400,000 years) by the time it takes for 6.25 percent of it to remain (0.0625), which gives us 6 half-lives. Multiplying 400,000 by 6 gives us 2.4 million years, and since we need to account for the original amount as well, the total age of the rock is 3.2 million years.

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