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Not by the scientific community, but his extensive data was used by Keppler to figure out that planets had eliptical orbits. this led to kepplers laws of planetary motion.

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Q: Are Copernicus' views accepted today
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Why were Copernicus's ideas about The universe published in his book on the revolutions of the heavenly bodies unpopular with the accepted views of the church?

The church believed that the earth was at the center of the universe.

Was Copernicus answer accepted by the general public?


What is Nickolaus Copernicus famous for?

Copernicus was the first scientist to postulate that our solar system was heliocentric. Until that time, everyone "knew" that the earth was the center of the solar system - everything else, including the sun, revolved around the earth. Copernicus got considerable grief for his views, and it was several more centuries before it was universally accepted that he was correct - the solar system is heliocentric.

Who recanted his views on earths position after the Church put him on trial?

Nicolas Copernicus

Were Darwin's views accepted by others?

Darwin's views were met with skepticism and controversy when they were first presented. However, over time, his theory of evolution by natural selection gained widespread acceptance among the scientific community as more evidence accumulated to support it. Today, his ideas form the foundation of modern evolutionary theory.

What discoveries of Galileo's helped confirm the views of Copernicus?

With the use of his new invention, the telescope, Galileo was able to verify Copernicus's theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun. He was placed under house arrest for his views, by the Catholic Church.

When was the Model introduced?

The first description of the Earth as going around the "central fire" was by Aristarchus of Samos, about 2,400 years ago. Unfortunately, Aristotle's incorrect views were more widely accepted, until Nicolai Copernicus came up with a more complete description of a Sun-centered theory about 470 years ago. Copernicus published his theory in 1543

How did Copernicus and Brahe differ in their views about the universe?

Copernicus thought that is was heliocentric theory ( that the earth revolves around the sun) and Brahe thought that it was geocentric ( that everything revolves aroung the earth )

How did Galileo's observations of Jupiter's moons support Copernicus theory?

The discovery did not support Copernicus's theory directly but it raised doubts about the ancient theory of Ptolemy that said that all objects in the sky are in orbit round the Earth. Galileo was an aggressive supporter of Copernicus's theory but eventually it was Kepler's theory that became accepted and is still used today. Both Copernicus and Kepler placed the Sun at the centre but Kepler's elliptical orbits are supported by the later theory of dynamics.

Who later confirmed Copernicus' ideas about the Earth moving around the sun?

Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543 was a Polish priest and astronomer who created an alternative model of the planets which put the Sun at the centre, instead of the Earth as generally accepted at that time.Kepler's model is the one we use today, and it has the Sun at the centre, like the Copernican model, but all the other details of Copernicus's theory were rejected in favour of elliptical orbits.

What are the opposing views to the Pangaea theory?

There are no commonly accepted opposing scientific views on plate tectonics or the existence of the supercontinent Pangaea.

How did Nicholas Copernicus' discovery challenge the views of the time?

Everyone just knew that the world was flat... If that was wrong, what else could be wrong...