

Are all cylinders the same

Updated: 10/17/2024
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āˆ™ 15y ago

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No they have different heights and radii.

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āˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: Are all cylinders the same
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Are all cylinders with the same radii similar?

No. To be similar ALL lengths must be in the same ratio. If two cylinders have the same radii, but different heights then the radii have one ratio (1:1) but the heights have a different ratio; thus they are not similar.

Would all cylinders with the same height and base area have the same shape?


How are cylinders and spheres the same?

They are not the same!

Are all cylinders similar?

no. not all cylinders are similar, some may even be slanted

Why is the engine output of an aircraft higher than that of a vehicle regardless of the same cylinders?

because they are not the same cylinders. Same principle, different engines. they are much more meticulously manufactured.

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Are two cylinders with the same volume are congruent?

Two cylinders with the same volume are not necessarily congruent. One could have a different diameter and length than the other, and still have the same volume.

How many cylinders move in the intake stage on a car engine?

All cylinders are moving at the same time weather it is on the intake or exhaust stage. The valves close and open in cycles. Click the link to learn more.

Do all cylinders with the same height and base area have the same shape?

No. You can push a cylinder across its axis - in the same way that a rectangle can be made into a parallelogram. The new cylinder would have a different shape.

How many cylinders does a 2005 Hyundai Elantra gls have?

All the Elantras are 4 cylinders.

In a car are cylinders and the gas tanks the same thing?

No. cylinders is where the gas gets burned. Gas tank is the where the gas is kept. Cylinders are in the motor. Tank is commonly under trunk.

Why do you have no spark on cylinders one and four?

on a lot of gm cars cylinders 1 & 4 fire off the same coil.