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Q: Are you more likely to roll a sum of a least 18 with three ten-sided dice?
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Rolling three dice what is the probability of obtaining at least one six?

50%. There are three dice; each die has 6 faces.

What is the probability of rolling an even number with 3 dice?

With one roll of three dice, the probability is 7/8.

When rolling two dice what is the least likely number?

Assuming you're talking about standard six-sided dice numbered 1-6, the least likely rolls are 2 and 12, each of which should come up 1 time in every 36 rolls on average.

When three dice are rolled what is the probability that at least two of the dice have the same value using Matlab?

The probability is 1 and you do not need Matlab to get that answer - only a little bit of thought.

What is the total of three dice?

The total of all sides of three dice = 63

Have two dice from numbers 1 - 20 what is the most likely to be rolled?


What are loaded dice?

Loaded dice are dice that have been modified so that certain sides are more likely to appear on top when the dice are rolled. It is a form of cheating when gambling.

If rolling three dice what is the probability of rolling three ones?

The probability of of rolling three ones on three dice is (1 in 6)3, or 1 in 216, or about 0.004630.

What is the probability of getting at least one prime number in two dice?

The probability of getting at least one prime number in two dice is 3/4.

How many rolls of 4 can you get with two dice?

You can get three rolls of four with two dice.

What is the probability that at least one of the dice will show 3?

Depends on how many dice are involved. 1 die 1/6 2 dice 1/3 3 dice 1/2

Three dice are tossed what is the probability that the same number appears on exactly two of the three dice?

The probability is 90/216 = 5/12