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It depends, can you change the width and the length??

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Q: Can two prisms have the same volume with different heights?
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Is it possible for two rectangular prisms to have the same volume but not the same measurements?

Two different rectangular prisms can both have the same volume of 72 cm3

Can two rectangular prisms have the same surface area but different volume?

Yes, they can. They can also have the same surface area, but different volume.

How can 2 prisms have the same volume but different dimensions?

If you double the cross-sectional area and halve the length, you will still have the same volume but the dimensions will be different.

How can two rectangular prisms have the same surface area but different volumes?

Yes, they can. They can also have the same surface area, but different volume.

Two rectangular prisms that have the same volume and the same height would their base be different or the same?

They would have to have the same base area, if that's what you mean.

If two rectangular prisms have the same volume do they have the same surface area?

well, they can, but they dont have to be no. :)

Can you have 2 different rectangular prisms with the same Surface area but different volumes?

Yes, you can.

What two different rectangular prisms have same surface area?

Given any rectangular prism, there are infinitely many other rectangular prisms with exactly the same surface area.

How are the volumes of cones and pyramids related to the volumes of prisms and cylinders?

A cone is 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height. A pyramid is 1/3 of the volume of a prism with the same base and height.

Are all cylinders the same?

No they have different heights and radii.

Can different shapes have the same Volume?

Yes many different shapes can have the same volume

How are triangular prisms and rectangularpyramids the same?

They are NOT the same.