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no, it is impossible

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Q: Can you draw a triangle that has just one acute angle?
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Can you draw a acute isosceles triangle?

MYou just described an equilateral triangle which is in fact isosceles and acute, and additional any isosceles triangle with a vertex angle of less than 90 is acute as the base angles are congruent and all three angles must add to180

Does a right triangle have a obtuse angle?

no, it just has 2 acute angles, and one right angle.

Does a triangle has all sides acute?

It can't, simply because there is no such thing as an acute side.An acute angle is less than 90°. An acute triangle has each of its three angles acute.An equilateral triangle is just one special case of an acute triangle.

How do you draw a triangle that has more than 1 angle?

-- Just go ahead and draw a triangle. Any triangle.-- Did you do it ? Good.-- Your triangle has three angles in it.

Is a right angle triangle acute or obtuse?

Neither. An acute triangle has all angles less than 90 degrees. An obtuse triangle has one angle more than 90 degrees. A right triangle is simply just a right triangle, since it has one angle of 90 degrees.

Obtuse acute and right angle draw?

Its pretty easy to draw them just remember that a right angle is an angle thats exactly 90degress ,an obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 and acute is less than 90degress

How many right angle does a rightt angle triangle have?

Just the one and the other two angles are acute angles

What is a triangle that has exactly one obtuse angle?

It could be an isosceles triangle providing that the other 2 acute angles are equal otherwise it is just an obtuse triangle

What shape has 3 right angles one obtuse angle and one reflex angle?

Just draw it out. Draw a square with a 3-4-5 right triangle abutting it, laying on its long side with it's short side against the square. The length of the base of the triangle should be about half the length of the square's side. Trace the perimeter of these two objects, and you will get a 5 sided object with: three right edges of a square, with an obtuse angle coming off the side and an acute, reflex angle at the tip of the right triangle.

A triangle with three angles less than 90 degrees?

An infinite number of possibilities. An equilateral triangle, with each angle = 60 degrees is just one example.

What are four ways you can prove two right triangles are congruent?

1. The side angle side theorem, when used for right triangles is often called the leg leg theorem. it says if two legs of a right triangle are congruent to two legs of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent. Now if you want to think of it as SAS, just remember both angles are right angles so you need only look at the legs.2. The next is the The Leg-Acute Angle Theorem which states if a leg and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another right triangle, the two right triangles are congruent. This is the same as angle side angle for a general triangle. Just use the right angle as one of the angles, the leg and then the acute angle.3. The Hypotenuse-Acute Angle Theorem is the third way to prove 2 right triangles are congruent. This one is equivalent to AAS or angle angle side. This theorem says if the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and an acute angle of another right triangle, the two triangles are congruent. This is the same as AAS again since you can use the right angle as the second angle in AAS.4. Last, but not least is Hypotenuse-Leg Postulate. Since it is NOT based on any other rules, this is a postulate and not a theorem. HL says if the hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and a leg of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

How many right angles have triangle?

Just 1 when its a right angle triangle and the other 2 angles are acute angles The 3 interior angles add up to 180 degrees