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The other person said: 1 metre/second = 0.172603109 miles/hr

∴ 340 metres/second = 58.68505706 miles/hr

Let's see why that is wrong.

1 metre/second

= 60 metres/minute

=3600 metres/hour

1 statute mile = 1 609.344 metres,



= 3600 / 1609.344 per hour

= 2.236 miles per hour



= 340 x 2.236

=760.558 miles per hour

Now: idiot check, do you break the sound barrier in your car when driving 59 miles per hour? No.

Is the speed of sound more like 750 to 800 miles per hour (depending on the temperature)? Yes.

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Q: Convert the speed of sound 340 meters per second to miles per hour?
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Convert the wavelength to meters. Then simply multiply the frequency by the wavelength. The answer will be in meters/second.

Which is closest to the speed of sound in air in miles?

"Miles" is not a speed, it is a distance. A speed would be "miles per hour", for example. The speed of sound in air depends on several factors, especially on the temperature. A typical value is about 330 meters/second. I'll leave it up to you to convert this to the old-fashioned units.

How fast is mach two?

Mach one is the speed of sound, which is about 761.2 miles per hour (340.3 meters per second). Mach two is twice the speed of sound, which is about 1,522.4 miles per hour (680.6 meters per second).

How do you convert meters per second to hertz?

Hertz are a measurement of frequency, where meters per second is a measurement of velocity (speed). The two cannot be converted. Hertz is cycles per second, like a radio wave or sound wave. An example is a radio station transmitting on 10.0 MegaHertz (MHz) This indicates the radio wave oscillates 10 Million times per second. Meters per second can be used to measure, for example, the velocity of a car or bullet. Trying to convert frequency to speed would be like trying to convert Miles per hour to liters... it doesn't work.

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Speed of light in vacuum is a constant which is denoted by c and is 1,86,000 miles/sec or 299,792,458 meters/second. In dry air at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius speed of sound is 343 meters/second.

What is the speed of sound in air in meters per second?

343 meters/second

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With speed of sound at 340.29 meters/sec = 0.211 miles per second, a good estimate is to say the sound will travel approximately 1 mile in 5 seconds.

How fast does a sound wave travel meters per second?

The speed of sound at sea level is 340.29 meters per second.

What is the speed of sound in air in miles per second?

Approx 0.213 miles per second at sea level and 20 deg C.

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2191.21 meters per second.

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