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Q: Do some normal probability distributions have different arithmetic means and different standard deviations?
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Do normal probability distributions have different arithmetic means and different standard deviations?

Yes. And that is true of most probability distributions.

What is the difference between a binomial probability and piossion Probability?

Assuming that "piossion" refers to Poisson, they are simply different probability distributions that are applicable in different situations.

What is probability mass function?

It is a function which is usually used with continuous distributions, to give the probability associated with different values of the variable.

Do some normal probability distributions have different means and different standard deviations?

Yes. Normal (or Gaussian) distribution are parametric distributions and they are defined by two parameters: the mean and the variance (square of standard deviation). Each pair of these parameters gives rise to a different normal distribution. However, they can all be "re-parametrised" to the standard normal distribution using z-transformations. The standard normal distribution has mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the difference between arithmetic mean and mode?

The mean, median, and mode are all measures of central tendency. For symmetrical distributions they all have the same value. For assymetrical distributions they have different values. The mean is the average and the mode is the most likely value.

Explain probability distribution?

A probability distribution describes the likelihood of different outcomes in a random experiment. It shows the possible values of a random variable along with the probability of each value occurring. Different probability distributions (such as uniform, normal, and binomial) are used to model various types of random events.

How to identify the the shape of probability distribution?

You cannot. There are hundreds of different distributions. The shapes of the distributions depend on their parameters so that the same distribution can be symmetric when the parameters have some specific value, but is highly skewed - in either direction - for other values.

What Language is used to describe chance?

Probability theory, a branch of mathematics, is commonly used to describe chance or uncertainty. It provides a framework and language to study and quantify the likelihood of different outcomes or events occurring in a random or uncertain situation. The language of probability theory includes concepts such as probability, random variables, events, and probability distributions.

The usual sampling distributionof the difference between means is a what?

There is no such thing as "the usual sampling distribution". Different distributions of the original random variables will give different distributions for the difference between their means.There is no such thing as "the usual sampling distribution". Different distributions of the original random variables will give different distributions for the difference between their means.There is no such thing as "the usual sampling distribution". Different distributions of the original random variables will give different distributions for the difference between their means.There is no such thing as "the usual sampling distribution". Different distributions of the original random variables will give different distributions for the difference between their means.

What requirements are necessary for a normal probability distribution to be a standard normal probability distribution?

The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, has a familiar "bell curve" shape and approximates many different naturally occurring distributions over real numbers.

What is the formula to determine the standard deviation of the resulting normal distribution when adding two normal distributions with different means and standard deviations?

s= bracket n over sigma i (xi-x-)^2 all over n-1 closed bracket ^ 1/2

How is the number theory different from arithmetic?

Arithmetic can be written as two different products of prime numbers. haha