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The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, has a familiar "bell curve" shape and approximates many different naturally occurring distributions over real numbers.

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Q: What requirements are necessary for a normal probability distribution to be a standard normal probability distribution?
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Is the uniform probability distribution's standard deviation proportional to the distribution's range?


How do you calculate probability given mean and standard deviation?

The mean and standard deviation do not, by themselves, provide enough information to calculate probability. You also need to know the distribution of the variable in question.

Why does a researcher want to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution?

A researcher wants to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution because the latter allows him/her to make the correspondence between the area and the probability. Though events in the real world rarely follow a standard normal distribution, z-scores are convenient calculations of area that can be used with any/all normal distributions. Meaning: once a researcher has translated raw data into a standard normal distribution (z-score), he/she can then find its associated probability.

Poisson distribution the mean and standard deviation?

The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution, with random variable k, related to the number events. The discrete probability function (probability mass function) is given as: f(k; L) where L (lambda) is the mean and square root of lambda is the standard deviation, as given in the link below:

Are these true of normal probability distribution IIt is symmetric about the mean TTotal area under the normal distribution curve is equal to 1 DDistribution is totally described by two quantities?

Yes, it is true; and the 2 quantities that describe a normal distribution are mean and standard deviation.

Related questions

What requirements are necessary for a normal probability distibution to be a standard normal probability distribution?

The mean must be 0 and the variance must be 1.

What are the characteristics a standard normal probability distribution?

I apologize my question should have read what are the characteristics of a standard normal probability distribution? Thank you

What is Normal of probability distribution?

with mean and standard deviation . Once standardized, , the test statistic follows Standard Normal Probability Distribution.

Is standard normal distribution a probability distribution function?


When can you say the distribution is considered normal?

When its probability distribution the standard normal distribution.

Is the uniform probability distribution's standard deviation proportional to the distribution's range?


The mean of a standard normal probability distribution?


What is Normal of Standard Normal Probability Distribution?

with mean of and standard deviation of 1.

Why is the standard normal probability distribution unique?

a mean of 1 and any standard deviation

What is The normal probability distribution with ยต equals 0 and ฯƒ equals 1?

It is the Standard Normal distribution.

How does the standard normal distribution differ from the t-distribution?

The normal distribution and the t-distribution are both symmetric bell-shaped continuous probability distribution functions. The t-distribution has heavier tails: the probability of observations further from the mean is greater than for the normal distribution. There are other differences in terms of when it is appropriate to use them. Finally, the standard normal distribution is a special case of a normal distribution such that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

Suppose z has a standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. the probability that z is less than 1.15 is?

probability is 43.3%