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Q: True or false two normal distributions that have the same mean are centered at the same place regardless of the relationship between their standard deviation?
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Which is more consistency arthematice mean is 110 and standard deviation is 25 and arthematic mean is 90 and standard deviation is 15?

The standard deviation is a number that tells you how scattered the data are centered about the arithmetic mean. The mean tells you nothing about the consistency of the data. The lower standard deviation dataset is less scattered and can be regarded as more consistent.

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trade influences culture regardless of distance.

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What is the relationship between organism's range of tolerance and its optimum condition?

An organism's range of tolerance is usually centered on its optimum conditions.

What is the main therapeutic healing concept in Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy?

the positive relationship of the counselor and client. SDT

What is the relationship between an organism's range of tolerance and it's optimum conditions?

An organism's range of tolerance refers to the range of environmental conditions within which it can survive and function. The optimum conditions are the specific environmental conditions at which the organism thrives best. The range of tolerance indicates the flexibility an organism has in adapting to varying conditions, with the optimum conditions representing the most favorable environment for its growth and reproduction.

What is self-centered listening?

Self-centered listeners

How was Montag's relationship with his wife?

If you're talking about Fahrenheit 451 then they hardly interact with each other. Millie is just self-centered and stubborn.

Who is credited for developing client centered therapy?

Carl Rogers is credited for developing client-centered therapy, also known as person-centered therapy. He believed in the importance of empathic understanding, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness in the therapeutic relationship. This approach emphasizes the clients' capacity for self-direction and personal growth.

Is normal distribution symmetrical?

Yes. By definition. A normal distribution has a bell-shaped density curve described by its mean and standard deviation. The density curve is symmetrical(i.e., an exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line), and centered about (divided by) its mean, with its spread (width) determined by its standard deviation. Additionally, the mean, median, and mode of the distribution are equal and located at the peak (i.e., height of the curve).

What is the relationship of wants?

It is a relationship that dwells on one being needful of or clingy to their partner. It means you always want your partner to things for you, or be there for not caring whether they can make time for that or whether they can afford to do fulfill your wish. It is being self centered in a relationship and not caring about your partner's needs or wants.

Where can I get compliance training ?

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