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Q: Do triangles with equal bases and heights have a equal area?
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How do you find the base and height of a triangle if you are given the area?

You can't. All you know is that 1/2 of their product is equal to the area, but you can't tell their values. There are an infinite number of triangles with different bases and heights that all have that same area.

How many bases does a triangular have?

Basically, triangles have 3 bases. Unless you want to calculate the area of the triangle(which requires the height), triangles have three bases.

How is the area of a triangle related to the area of a parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

Two traingles that have the same base always have the same area?

No, because if they have different heights the area will differ between the two triangles.

How is area of triangle related to parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

Do 2 triangles with 2 equal sides have the same area?

Only if the two triangles are congruent will they have equal areas. A third fact is required to determine they are congruent (and thus have the same area): 1) The third sides are equal; 2) The angles enclosed between the sides are equal; or 3) The same one of the sides is the hypotenuse of the triangles, which are right angled triangles.

Do the diagonals of a rhombus divide it into four triangles of equal area?

Yes, they do.

How many triangles have the area of one?

Any triangles where the base multiplied by the height equal 2, so technically, infinity.

Cho is making banners shaped like triangles out of a rectangular piece of fabric she cuts out two triangular banners what is the area of a triangular banner?

two bases)Triangles

Does area equal base times height?

only for triangles and parallelograms as far as i know

What is the formula for a triangular pyramid in surface area?

A=1/2bh The area of a triangle is 1/2bh. If the base of it is a triangle and all 4 of the triangles aren't the same, then you have to find the area of the base triangle and then the three other triangles (which should all have the same area). If all four of the triangles have the same area, then just find the area of one of the triangles and multiply that by four. A triangular pyramid that has four equal triangles is also called a tetrahedron.

What is the leg of isosceles triangle if the base is 10 and area is 10?

An isosceles triangle is in effect two right angled triangles joined together and in this case they have bases of 5 units and heights of 2 units so use Pythagoras' theorem to find the hypotenuse which will be the length of one of the equal legs of the isosceles triangle:- 52+22 = 29 and the square of this is about 5.385164807 or 5.385 to 3 dp