

Does a square only has two perpendicular sides?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No, a square has four perpendicular sides.

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Q: Does a square only has two perpendicular sides?
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Does a square have only 2 perpendicular?

No. Each of its four sides is perpendicular to two other sides.

What quadrilaterals have all adjacent sides are perpendicular?

Square & Rectangle are the only two. Rhombus (diamond) & parallelogram have adjacent sides, but no 90 degree angles (not perpendicular).

Does a triangle have sides that are perpendicular?

No, not in general. Only a right triangle has two sides which are perpendicular.

What does perpendicular sides mean?

The sides perpendicular to each other are at right angles (90 degrees, or square) to each other. An example of a figure with two pair of perpendicular sides is the rectangle.

Does a square has perpendicular lines?

Yes. There are two sets of sides in a square which are parallel to each other and are perpendicular to the other set. Perpendicular means "at 90 degrees to". Hope this helps you.

Does a parallelogram have parallel and perpendicular sides?

By definition, a parallelogram two separate pairs has parallel sides. The only type of parallelogram that has perpendicular sides is a rectangle. All others have non-perpendicular sides.

Are all the sides of a right triangle perpendicular?

If you have a triangle then one of the sides cannot be perpendicular to the other two. It is true for a square but it is impossible with a triangle. Definition of perpendicular: Being at right angles to the horizontal; vertical.

What shape has 4 sides and 2 perpendicular sides?

The question asks about four sides and 2 perpendicular sides. That makes 6 sides in all. So it is a hexagon with either only one right angle, or two sides that are mutually perpendicular.

How can I draw a quadrilateral that has exactly two perpendicular sides?

what quadrilateral has exactly two perpendicular sides.

Does a square have two pairs of perpendicular sides?

A square has 4 corners where a pair of sides meet at right angles, so there are 4 pairs of perpendicular sides. Now, consider this: I have 50 dollars, and you ask me if I have two dollars. I say "Yes.", because I do have 2 dollars, plus quite a bit more. If you agree with this logic, you could answer your question with a "yes". However, if the question said, "Does a square have exactly two pairs of perpendicular sides", you would have to say, "No, it has exactly four!"

What is perpendicular adjacent sides in the triangle?

The perpendicular adjacent sides in the triangle would be 3 sides. It is the basically horizonstal line next to a vertical line(perpendicular) if it was parallel adjacent then only two side of triangle /\ <-- parallel

Are the adjacent sides of rhombus perpendicular?

No. This is only true of squares and rectangles. Perpendicular means that the sides meet in a right angle. A rhombus has two acute angles and two obtuse angles.