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A square has 4 corners where a pair of sides meet at right angles, so there are 4 pairs of perpendicular sides.

Now, consider this: I have 50 dollars, and you ask me if I have two dollars. I say "Yes.", because I do have 2 dollars, plus quite a bit more. If you agree with this logic, you could answer your question with a "yes". However, if the question said, "Does a square have exactly two pairs of perpendicular sides", you would have to say, "No, it has exactly four!"

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Q: Does a square have two pairs of perpendicular sides?
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Does a square only has two perpendicular sides?

No, a square has four perpendicular sides.

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How many pairs of parallel sides does a square have?

A square has two pairs of parallel sides.It has two pairs of parallel sides.

Does a square have two pairs of parallel sides?

Yes, a square has two pairs of parallel sides.

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A rectangle is the shape that has two pairs of perpendicular sides. In a rectangle, opposite sides are equal in length and parallel, while adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other. This geometric property makes rectangles ideal for applications such as architecture, engineering, and mathematics.

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It doesn't need any in order to be a trapezoid. It can have a max of two pairs of perpendicular sides.

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No. Each of its four sides is perpendicular to two other sides.

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A quadrangle with two pairs of equal sides is a square.

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By definition, a parallelogram two separate pairs has parallel sides. The only type of parallelogram that has perpendicular sides is a rectangle. All others have non-perpendicular sides.

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A square or a rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides are equivalent.

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A square has 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides

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A square