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Q: Does addition or subtraction of a value of b change where the line intercepts the y-axis?
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In x - 3 does absolute value change the subtraction into addition?

no, the absolute value does not change the subtraction into addition. it does however, change the difference to positive ( if the difference is negative)

What operation is the inverse operation of addition?

The inverse operation of addition is subtraction. Subtraction undoes addition by taking away a number from the sum to return to the original value.

Which operation of arithmetic is the inverse of addition?

Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition. Adding a number and then subtracting the same number will bring you back to the original value.

Steps on how to do value of y fractions using addition and subtraction?

Y/3 - 1/9 = 2/9

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Absolute value of the difference? 5 Subtraction? -5 Addition? 1

What is peramdas?

mathematical order of operations stands for: Parentheses Exponents Radicals Absolute Value Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

What is inverse operation?

An inverse operation undoes the effect of another operation. For example, addition is the inverse operation of subtraction, and multiplication is the inverse operation of division. Applying an operation and its inverse leaves you with the original value.

How are addition and subtraction related?

They are inverses. For any numbers a, b, and c if: a + b = c then: a = c - b and b = c - a In words, addition is raising the value of a number by counting higher, (1, 2, 3, ...). Subtraction is the inverse (you count down 3, 2, 1, ...).

What is change in math?

Change is usually the value of an expression before some operation subtracted from the value after the operation. Occasionally, subtraction may be replaced by division.

When finding the value of an expression should you always complete any addition before subtraction?

No, addition and subtraction are performed in any order. Consider 6 + 3 - 2. You can do it two ways:6 + 3 -1 = 9- 1 = 8, or 6 + 3 -1 = 6 + 2 = 8.

What is the value of n if -13(n - 888) -780?

that's my bad wrong question, solve for n and do distributive property then the rest is addition and subtraction

Explain how the subtraction of integers is related to the addition of integers?

Subtraction of integers is essentially addition of integers except the second integer is inverted. For example: 5 + 3 = 8 is a simple addition of integers. 5 - 3 = 5 is a simple subtraction of integers. It can be expressed by inverting the second value (the one right after the subration sign) and then switching the subtraction sign to an addition sign. So it would look like: 5 + (-3) = 5. Note that (-3) is the opposite of 3. So to do a more confusing subtraction problem like: 55 - (-5), we could rewrite this as: 55 + -(-5). From here it's easy to see that the two negatives cancel out. 55 + 5 = 60.