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Q: Does the cubical expansibility depends on original volume?
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Does the cubical expansivity of a liquid depend on its original volume?

No. The expansivity is on a per unit basis just like the specific heat or density is.

A cubical box has a volume of 343cubic meters.find the side of cubical box.?

the sides of the cubical box would be 7 meters

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A cubical aquarium of side 30cm can hold What volume of water?

27000 mL

How do you calculate the volume of materials in concrete?

If it is a cubical block, the volume is simply length x height x width.

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a block of wood?

Since, this is a cubical block, It can be length * breadth* height..

The Volume of a cubical box is 2.197 Cubic centmetre.How can you find the lenght of its one side?

The volume of an oblong is: volume = length x width x height As the box is cubical, ie is a cube, all sides are of equal length, thus: volume_cube = side x side x side = side3 So, given the volume: side = cube_root(volume) ie, take the cube root of the volume of 2.197cm3.

64 drops of water can fill a cubical box having 1 cm side .what is the volume of one drop?

It is 0.015625 millilitres.

How many blocks with edges 1foot long would be needed to fill a cubical box with edges 1 yard long?

9 cause the volume is 9

The volume of a cubical box is 3.375 cubic meters find the length of each edge of the box?

The length of each edge is: 1.5 meters.

Does the volume of a box double if the dimensions are doubled?

No, it's not that simple. the volume of a box, if let us say (for simplicity's sake) it is cubical in shape, is the length cubed (or if it is rectangular, it is length x width x height). So let us say we have a cubical box 2' on an edge. Its volume is 2x2x2=8 cubic feet. Now let us say that we double the length of an edge. Now we have 4x4x4=64 cubic feet. It has eight times the volume of the smaller box. If we are dealing with a rectangular box rather than a cubical box, the calculations are more complicated, but it remains true that the volume grows much faster than the linear dimensions.

What is the volume of a cube 80cm long if it is decreased by 10 percent?

This depends on what you mean by "it". The volume of the original cube is V = (80 cm)³ = 512,000 cm³. If the volume is decreased by 10%, then multiply the volume of the original cube by 0.9 to get 406,800 cm³. Otherwise, if the length of the cube is decreased by 10%, then: V = (80 cm * 0.9)³ ≈ 373248 cm³