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-10x + 2y = 14 Initial problem

(-10x + 2y) + 10x = (14) + 10x add 10x to each side of the equation

2y = 10x + 14 value after the addition

(2y)/2 = (10x +14)/2 divide by 2

y = 5x + 7 resultant eqution

y = mx + b is the standard form

m = 5 and b = 7 via substitution

slope of standard formula = m, therefore slope = 5

by definition b is the Y-intercept, therefore Y-intercept is 7


Note the Y-intercept is where the line crosses the Y Cartesian coordinate axis

at x = 0. therefore it can be calculated as

Given y = 5x + 7, and x = 0


y = 5(0) + 7

y = 0 + 7

y = 7

or in logical terms dialectical analysis

Thesis is y = 5x + 7

Antithesis is x = 0

Synthesis is y = 7

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