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An exponential function can be is of the form f(x) = a*(b^x). Some examples are f1(x) = 3*(10^x), or f2(x) = e^(-2*x). Note that the latter still fits the format, with b = e^(-2). The inverse is the logarithmic function. So for y = f1(x) = 3*(10^x), reverse the x & y, and solve for y:

  • x = 3*(10^y)
  • log(x) = log(3*(10^y)) = log(3) + log(10^y) = log(3) + y*log(10) = y*1 + log(3)
  • y = log(x) - log(3) = log(x/3)

The second function: y = e^(-2*x), the inverse is: x = e^(-2*y).

  • ln(x) = ln(e^(-2*y)) = -2*y*ln(e) = -2*y*1
  • y = -ln(x)/2 = ln(x^(-1/2))

See related link for an example graph.

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Q: Give an example of an exponential function Find this exponential function's inverse which will be a logarithmic function Plot the graph of both the functions?
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Are all functions continuous?

No. Not all functions are continuous. For example, the function f(x) = 1/x is undefined at x = 0.

When do you use even odd and neither functions?

Basically, a knowledge of even and odd functions can simplify certain calculations. One place where they frequently appear is when using trigonometric functions - for example, the sine function is odd, while the cosine function is even.

Does every continious function has laplace transform?

There are continuous functions, for example f(t) = e^{t^2}, for which the integral defining the Laplace transform does not converge for any value of the Laplace variable s. So you could say that this continuous function does not have a Laplace transform.

What are the compsition of function?

A composition function, regarding two functions, is when you apply the first function on the second function on an argument. Bear in mind that a single, unaltered function is when you apply said function to an argument; a composition function simply applies the result of an application as an argument to another function. For example, if one function is defined as f(x) = x + 4 and another is defined as g(x) = 2x, the composition of the two (where f is applied to g) is f(g(x)) = 2x + 4. Note that composition is not commutative; that is, f(g(x)) is not necessarily equivalent to g(f(x)), unless if the functions are either the same or inverses of each other, in which case the result will be the argument; f(f-1(x)) = f-1(f(x)) = x.

Integration of exponential of square of x?

its an non integrable functionThe indefinite integral of exp(x^2) dx is1/2 * sqrt(pi) * erfi(x) + Kwhere erfi(x) is the imaginary error function, defined with regard to the error function aserfi(x) = - i erf(ix)see, try, enterexp(x^2) in the search box orint(exp(x^2),x)to see some plots and other info.Answere^(x^2) is an example of a function expressible using standard functions (+, *, exp, log, atan, etc) whose integral can not be expressed in this way. In such cases we invent a name for the function defined by the interval, but it's just a name and doesn't shed any light on the function. In short, there is no intellectually satisfying answer to this question.

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What are the seven types of function?

There are infinitely many types of functions. For example: Discrete function, Continuous functions, Differentiable functions, Monotonic functions, Odd functions, Even functions, Invertible functions. Another way of classifying them gives: Logarithmic functions, Inverse functions, Algebraic functions, Trigonometric functions, Exponential functions, Hyperbolic functions.

Which situation would not be modeled by exponential function?

There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.There are lots of situations that are not modelled by exponential functions. A simple example is when something increases linearly. For example, assuming you have a fixed daily income, and save all of it, the amount of money you have is directly proportional to the number of days worked. No exponential function there, whatsoever.

The advantages of exponential and logarithmic functions?

logarithmic function is used to simplify complex mathematical calculation. FOR example- Tedious multi-digit multiplication steps can be replaced by table look-ups and simpler addition because of the fact-important in its own right-that the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors:if someone needs to calculate value of 2.33153.017 he can calculate it by using logarithmic function.The logarithm of a number is the exponent by which another fixed value, the base, has to be raised to produce that number. For example, the logarithm of 1000 to base 10 is 3

Example of fundamental difference between a polynomial function and an exponential function?

fundamental difference between a polynomial function and an exponential function?

How do we change from logarithmic form to exponential form?

Logb (x)=y is called the logarithmic form where logb means log with base b So to put this in exponential form we let b be the base and y the exponent by=x Here is an example log2 8=3 since 23 =8. In this case the term on the left is the logarithmic form while the one of the right is the exponential form.

How is logarithmic functions as inverses of exponential?

An inverse of a function is found by swapping the x and y variables. For example: the straight line function y = 2x, has an inverse of x = 2y. This can be rearranged into y = x/2. Now take the function y = ex. The inverse is: x = ey. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to rearrange this to be y = {something}. So the logarithm function was created to handle this, and now the function {x = ey} can be written as y = ln(x).

Example of word problem involving logarithmic function?

dai ka maxhit

How does radioactive decay relate to precalculus?

it is a natural example of the exponential function

When would you use a power function and when would you use a exponential function?

Both of these functions are found to represent physical events in nature. A common form of the power function would be the parabola (power of 2). One example would be calculating distance traveled of an object with constant acceleration. d = V0*t + (a/2)*t². The exponential function describes many things, such as exponential decay: like the voltage change in a capacitor & radioactive element decay. Also exponential growth (such as compound interest growth).

What is an Example of a real life exponential function in electronics?

An example of a real life exponential function in electronics is the voltage across a capacitor or inductor when excited through a resistor. Another example is the amplitude as a function of frequency of a signal passing through a filter, when past the -3db point.

Give na example whic isnot exponential function?

f(x) = 2x it is linear function

How do you change exponential form to logarithmic form?

Exponential form is ax = b. Logarithmic form is logab = x. For example, 102 = 100 is the same as log10100 = 2. Another example: 53 = 125 is the same as log5125 = 3. If there is no number under the log (for example, log3), the the number is understood to be ten. For example, log8 is the same as log108. A natural log uses the symbol ln. In this case, the number is understood to be e (which equals about 2.718). For example, ln5 is the same as loge5 (which the same as log2.7185).