All terminating decimals can be written as fractions.
Decimals are more commonly used.
Decimals in Spain (and in most European countries) are written with commas.
No. Negative numbers form a set of numbers. Numbers written as decimals is a notation for writing numbers. Different things.Negative numbers can be written as decimals, fractions, complex numbers, etc.Numbers written as decimals can be either negative numbers, zero, or positive numbers. They can also be integer numbers or real numbers.
Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.
0.2 is.
They are written in different forms.