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Q: How can determine by the discriminate whether the solutions to the equation are or complex numbers?
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You can determine by the discriminant whether the solutions to the equation are or complex numbers?

apex- real

What are complex root?

The complex roots of an equation are the complex numbers that are solutions to the equation.

If the discriminant of an equation is negative?

It has two complex solutions.

If an equation has a degree of three how many solutions will there be?

An equation with a degree of three typically has three solutions. However, it is possible for one or more of those solutions to be repeated or complex.

What determine how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary?

The quadratic equation is: Ax2+ Bx + C = 0-- The equation always has two solutions. They arex = 1/2A [ - B + sqrt(B2 - 4AC) ]x = 1/2A [ - B - sqrt(B2 - 4AC) ] .-- The solutions are real if ( B2 > or = 4AC ).-- The solutions are equal if ( B2 = 4AC ).-- The solutions are complex conjugates if ( B2 < 4AC ).-- The solutions are pure imaginary if ( B = 0 ) & (4AC>0 i.e. -4AC

How can you find the complex solutions of any quadratic equation?

I suggest you use the quadratic formula.

How does the discriminant affect the roots of a quadratic equation?

If the discriminant is negative, the roots will be two unreal complex conjugates. If the discriminate is positive the roots will be real.

How many solution will there be if the quadratic equation does not touch or cross the x-axis?

0 real solutions. There are other solutions in the complex planes (with i, the imaginary number), but there are no real solutions.

Most quadric equations have?

A quadratic equation can have two real solutions, one real solution, or two complex solutions, none of them real.

How many solutions to a quardratic equation?

A quadratic equation always has TWO (2) solutions. They may be different, the same, or non-existant as real numbers (ie they only exist as complex numbers).

What are the compex roots in mathematics?

The complex roots of an equation is any solution to that equation which cannot be expressed in terms of real numbers. For example, the equation 0 = x&sup2; + 5 does not have any solution in real numbers. But in complex numbers, it has solutions.

How can you determine the number of solutions for an equation?

The number of solutions for an equation can be determined by analyzing the degree of the equation and its graphical representation. For a linear equation, there is either one solution (if the lines intersect) or no solution (if the lines are parallel). Quadratic equations can have two solutions, one solution, or no real solution, depending on the discriminant. Higher degree equations can have multiple solutions or no solutions depending on the nature of the equation.