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The complex roots of an equation is any solution to that equation which cannot be expressed in terms of real numbers. For example, the equation 0 = x² + 5 does not have any solution in real numbers. But in complex numbers, it has solutions.

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Q: What are the compex roots in mathematics?
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A Compex Muscle Stimulator can be purchased at a number of different stores. Online general stores such as Amazon and eBay both stock both new and used versions of this product. Online specialized fitness stores such as Fitness Superstore also sell the Compex deveice.

What are the cube roots of unity in mathematics?

-0.5 + sqrt(0.75)i, and -0.5 - sqrt(0.75)i.

What is compex?

COMPEX stands for Computerized Miniature Pocket Exerciser. Developed in Switzerland and used by athletes around the world. COMPEX is the market and technology leader in neuromuscular stimulation that is proven to work with users around the world. COMPEX uses revolutionary electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) technology that allows the user to exercise more muscle fibers in less time. The EMS impulse targets specific muscle fibers so the user can exercise that muscle group for endurance events, strength train, increase muscle explosiveness and even clear lactic acid build up using the recovery programs.

What are the roots of complex numbers in mathematics?

See the answer to the related question: 'How do you solve the power of an imaginary number?' (Link below)

Why are square roots important in mathematics?

Every operation in Mathematics needs to have an inverse. For addition, its inverse is subtraction (and vice versa) For multiplication, its division The inverse of squaring a number, is taking its square root.

What is equivalent to square root -80?

A negative number cannot have a square root in basic mathematics. However, in more advanced mathematics, you will study complex numbers. And there you will find that the square roots of -80 are ± 8.944*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.Incidentally, ± 8.944 are the square roots of +80.

How many Greek roots ate there?

There are hundreds of Greek roots that have influenced the English language, covering a wide range of topics such as science, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine. These roots are the building blocks of many English words and are crucial for understanding the etymology of words.

What does Pi is transcentental mean in mathematics?

It means it is not an algebraic number. Algebraic numbers include square roots, cubic roots, etc., but more generally, algebraic numbers are solutions of polynomial equations.

How do you find the square root of negative numbers?

For most school mathematics, negative numbers do not have square roots. This is because a negative number multiplied by itself is a negative times a negative and so is positive. When (if) you study advanced mathematics, you will learn that there is a solution and this falls within the realms of complex mathematics and imaginary numbers.

Did Greeks or Latin create math?

Neither. Modern western mathematics has its roots in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, although the Greeks gave it quite a boost.