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because it can

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Q: How can two rectangles have the same perimeters and different diagonals?
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What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose area is 21?

That depends on the rectangle! You can have different rectangles with the same area, but with different perimeters.

What is the perimeter in meters of a 28 acre field?

The perimeter for a certain area varies, depending on the figure. For example, a circle, different ellipses, a square, different rectangles, and different shapes of triangles, all have different perimeters or circumferences, for the same area.The perimeter for a certain area varies, depending on the figure. For example, a circle, different ellipses, a square, different rectangles, and different shapes of triangles, all have different perimeters or circumferences, for the same area.The perimeter for a certain area varies, depending on the figure. For example, a circle, different ellipses, a square, different rectangles, and different shapes of triangles, all have different perimeters or circumferences, for the same area.The perimeter for a certain area varies, depending on the figure. For example, a circle, different ellipses, a square, different rectangles, and different shapes of triangles, all have different perimeters or circumferences, for the same area.

If the area of the rectangle is 320cm squared find its perimeter?

Not enough data. Different rectangles (different length:width ratios) can have the same area, but different perimeters.

Is it true that the greater the perimeter the greater the area?

No, in general that is not true. For two similar figures it is true. But you can easily design two different figures that have the same perimeters and different areas, or the same area and different perimeters. For example, two rectangles with a different length-to-width ratio.

Can different rectangles have the same area and perimeter?

It's very easy for two rectangles to have the same area and different perimeters,or the same perimeter and different areas. In either case, it would be obvious toyou when you see them that there's something different about them, and theywould not fit one on top of the other.But if two rectangles have the same area and the same perimeter, then to look at themyou'd swear that they're the same rectangle, and one could be laid down on the otherand fit exactly.

Which quadrilaterals has the same length diagonals?

parallelogram * * * * * Not true. Rectangles and squares do, but other parallelograms do not.

Can shapes of the same area have different perimeters?

MOst of it

Do diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other?

The diagonals of a square (which always bisect each other) are the same length.

Can a parallelogram and a rectangle have the same perimeters but different areas?


Do all trapeziums have diagonals of equal length?

No. Even in the non-US use of the term (a quadrilateral with at least one set of parallel lines), the lengths of the parallel lines may not be the same, and/or the angles formed by each adjacent side may be different (as in a rhomboid), resulting in diagonals of extremely different lengths.Only in rectangles are diagonals "always" of equal length.

Do these rectangles have the same perimeter 12 meters x 4 meters and 13 meters x 3 meters?

Yes they do. Both perimeters are 32 meters. But notice that they have different areas: 48 m2 and 39 m2 .

How shapes have the same area but different perimeter?

Because the area is different than the perimeters