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When the graphdecreasesat a rapid rate. Instead of just a negative straight line it will be a negative half parabola decreasingextremelyfast and then leveling out.

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Q: How can you recognize an exponential decay pattern from a graph?
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A deacresing exponential graph is formed.

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Exponential Decay. hope this will help :)

How can you determine if an exponential pattern is growing or decaying in a graph?

If the graph, from left to right, is going upwards, with an increasing gradient (slope) then it is undergoing growth. If it is going downwards, with a decreasing gradient (slope) then it is undergoing decay.

What happens to a graph that is representative of exponential decay?

As time passes - as the graph goes more and more to the right, usually - the graph will get closer and closer to the horizontal axis.

Would the graph of an exponential decay function would have a curve upward along the x-axis towards negative infinity?

No, it would not.

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you should include the definition of logarithms how to solve logarithmic equations how they are used in applications of math and everyday life how to graph logarithms explain how logarithms are the inverses of exponential how to graph exponentials importance of exponential functions(growth and decay ex.) pandemics, population)

What are some characteristics of the graph of an exponential function?

An exponential function is a nonlinear function in the form y=ab^x, where a isn't equal to zero. In a table, consecutive output values have a common ratio. a is the y-intercept of the exponential function and b is the rate of growth/decay.

What does a graph of data makes easier to recognize and understand than a table of data?

you can visualize the graph better than the table. ---------------------------------------------------- A data can make A PATTERN much easier to recognize and understand.

How can you tell if a graph could be an exponential decay function?

it slopes downward. it has a negative slope. it it really high when it is close to zero but gets really low as the x-value goes greater.

Is a graph exponential?

It can be, but it need no be.

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of the same data?

A graph will show a visual pattern of date, which makes it much easier to recognize and understand.

What is the downward trend on a graph?

The downward tend on a graph is called "decay".