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You cannot find any angle, or either of the other two sides, in a non-right triangle, when given only one side.

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Q: How do you find an angle within a non-right angled triangle when only given one side length?
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The answer will depend on how the triangle is situated within the rectangle (how many of the triangle's vertices coincide with those of the rectangle), and what other information you have.

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The shortest side is opposite the smallest angle. The longest side is opposite the biggest angle. The middle length side is opposite the middle sized angle. For a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c, with c being the hypotenuse (the longest side), a2 + b2 = c2. The angles within a triangle must all add to 180o.

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An orthocenter on an obtuse triangle actually lies outside of the triangle. In an acute triangle, the orthocenter lies within the triangle.

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There are three measurable angles within a triangle, and within a equilateral triangle there are thee equal angles, each measuring 60o .

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You can find the angle of a triangle within a circle segment using the circle theorems.

How do you find the area of an equilateral triangle with a perimeter of 24in?

In an equilateral triangle, all of the sides have the same length and all of the angles are the same. Since the total of all three angles in any triangle always equals 180 degrees, each angle of an equilateral triangle is one third of 180 degrees, which is 60 degrees. Likewise, the length of each side is one third of the entire perimeter, or 8 in.The area of a triangle is the product of one half of the length of the base multiplied by the height. The height of the triangle is the length within the triangle of the perpendicular bisector of the base. Since an equilateral triangle is symmetrical, the bisector bisects the entire triangle into two equal 30-60-90-degree right triangles. In all 30-60-90-degree right triangles, the length of the hypotenuse is always double the length of the shortest side, and the length of the other side is equal to the length of the shortest side times the square root of 3. So if the length of half of the base is four inches and the height is four inches times the square root of three, the area of the triangle is exactly (sixteen times the square root of three) square inches, which is approximately 27.713 square inches rounded to three decimal places.