

How do you find if 2 fractions are proportinns?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Cross-multiply. A/B = C/D if AD = BC

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Q: How do you find if 2 fractions are proportinns?
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first you have to find the common denominator and make the 2 fractions denominators the same then you add them and divide them

What comes after 2 3 in fractions?

There can be no answer because fractions are infinitely dense. Between any two fractions you can find another and between those two - yet another. So there can never be a next because you can always find one in between.

How can you find a fraction that is between 2 other fractions?

Add them together and divide by 2.

How do you find the mean of two fractions?

Add them together, then divide by 2.

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it helps you find the distance between fractions because the new name should be an equivalent fraction. Therefore it should be able to be divided\multiplied by 2 to make the original number.

How can you tell whether 2 fractions are equivalent?

Example- 2/4=4/8 all u have 2 do is x2 the numerater and denominator and ur sure 2 find ton and tons of = fractions

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Multiply them by 1/2 and you have half of the original fraction.

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You multiply the fractions

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All fractions are rational numbers because irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions

How do you find the guotient to two fractions?

To divide two fractions, invert the second one and multiply. 2/3 ÷ 3/4 = 2/3 x 4/3