

How do you find the area of a rhombus given only the side lengths?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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9y ago

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You don't. There is not enough information. Different rhombuses with the same side lengths can have different areas, depending on the angles.

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Q: How do you find the area of a rhombus given only the side lengths?
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You cannot. A square can be distorted into a rhombus without changing the lengths of any of the sides, but with a different area. Similarly, the shape of any quadrilateral can be altered without affecting the length of its sides but changing its area.

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Area of rhombus if area and perimeter is given and if you have to find altitude?

Perimeter = 4*Side so that Side = Perimeter/4 Area of a rhombus = Side * Altitude so Altitude = Area/Side = Area/(Perimeter/4) = 4*Area/Perimeter

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If side is given too, then you can find area with one diagonal. As diagonals bisect each other in a rhombus at 90°, Using Pythogoras Theorem: (Half d1)² = (side)² - (Half d2)²

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If you are only given the side lengths of a scalene triangle, it is impossible for you to find for the area, unless you are given more information... like the height of the triangle for example. If this is a right triangle you would like to find the area of, you can multiply the length of each leg with each other, and then divide that product by 2 to conclude the area of the triangle.

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How do you find the measure of a rhombus?

The answer depends on the measure of WHAT! Side length, angles, length of diagonals, area? And the answers to these depend on what information is given.