

Find the area of the rhombus below?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Find the area of the rhombus below?
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How do you find the area of a rhombus AC17 BD15?

if those are the measurements then that is not a rhombus, rhombi are 4 sided shapesthat have all equal sides

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A = baWhere A = areab = length of the basea = altitude (height).

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Perimeter = 4*Side so that Side = Perimeter/4 Area of a rhombus = Side * Altitude so Altitude = Area/Side = Area/(Perimeter/4) = 4*Area/Perimeter

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The area of a rhombus cannot be determined form its side lengths. The shape can be flexed into a square (when it has maximum area) to a long thin rhombus (when it has minimum area).The area of a rhombus cannot be determined form its side lengths. The shape can be flexed into a square (when it has maximum area) to a long thin rhombus (when it has minimum area).The area of a rhombus cannot be determined form its side lengths. The shape can be flexed into a square (when it has maximum area) to a long thin rhombus (when it has minimum area).The area of a rhombus cannot be determined form its side lengths. The shape can be flexed into a square (when it has maximum area) to a long thin rhombus (when it has minimum area).

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