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You cannot unless you have the base

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: How do you find the area of a triangle givin the side length?
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How do you find the height of a triangle givin the length of one side?

You can't with just the length of one side for piece of information

How do you find the volume of a 3D isosceles triangle?

V= area of the triangle x length

How do you find the length of the base with no area and no height?

The measurement of the angle of the triangle...supposing it is a triangle.

How do you find the area of an acute triangle?

The area of any triangle is (1/2 the length of its base) x (its height).

How do you find the area of a triangle in a graph?

multiply the x-length and the y-length and 2

How do you find out how many square meters are in a triangle?

The area of the triangle in square meters is (1/2 the length of the triangle's base, in meters) times (the length of the triangle's height, in meters).

What is the area of an acute triangle?

the area referrers to the length and circumference of the triangle it self. The measurement matters to find the acute angle it self as a angle not a triangle

How do you find the surface area of a rectagle?

to find the surface area of the triangle we just need to multiply the length with breath. area=lengthXbreadth

How do you find the altitude of a triangle?

altitude(height)=(Area * 2) /length(Base)

How do you find the volume and surface area of a triangle or prism?

The Surface area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height The volume of a prism = area of its cross-section*length

Find the area of each triangle?

Formula for area of Triangle: a=0.5(bh) Where b is the base length and h is the height. For example, a triangle of base 10 and height 5 has an area of 25.

Area of an isosceles right angled triangle?

The area of a right angled triangle would be .5 * length *width where the length is the height of the triangle. To find the height of the triangle, take the sine of 45 degrees, which is the degree of the angles other than the 90 degrees, and multiply it by the length of one of the two equal sides. The width of the triangle is the length of the bottom side.