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Q: How do you find the value of n in fractions like this one 11 44 10 n?
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Related questions

Can you find fractions greater than 1?

All improper fractions, like 22/7, are greater than one.

How do you find the number between two fractions?

There are an infinite number of different fractions between two fractions. If you want the one that's exactly in the middle, half-way between them, there's only one of those. It's called the "average" of the two fractions. Find it like this: -- Add the two fractions together. -- Divide the sum by 2 .

Why is a small equilateral triangle the same angle measure a big one?

It's like when you find equivalent fractions. They are equal. You can find out because if you simplify the big one, you will get the small one

When fractions have like denominators the larger the what the larger the fraction?

When you have fractions with like denominators, the larger is the one with the larger numerator.

What is a number that uses place value and a decimal point to show amounts that are less than one such as tenths called?

Fractions or decimal fractions.

What fractions whose value is greater than or equal to 1 called?

Fractions that are greater than one are known as improper or 'top-heavy' fractions as the numerator is greater than the denominator.

When there is a group of fractions how do you find the one with the least value?

The fraction with the greatest denominator and the greatest difference between nominator and denominator (number above and below the dividing line) has the lowers absolute value (is closest to zero).

What is 5 over 12 in unlike and like fractions?

Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.

What fraction is the closest to the actual value of pi?

One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer.

Why do you have to turn unlike fractions into like fractions to add or subtract?

because its just one of the rules of math :)

Where can I find a list with all the fractions that are less than one?

Such a list cannot exist, because there are an infinite number of such fractions.

What is the meaning of related fractions?

Two fractions are related when the denominator of one of the fraction is a multiple of the denominator of the other fraction. (Don't confuse with Like fractions)