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multiply 7 x 13 = 91 that is the greatest common multiple.

Then multiply the numerator 6 x 13 and the numerator 5 by 7

6/7 = 6 x 13 /91 = 78/91

5/13 = 5 x 7/91 = 35/91

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Q: How do you make 6 over 7 and 5 over 13 have the same denominator?
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Simple. All you have to do is multiply the whole number by the denominator (or the bottom one) and add the numerator (or the top one) and make it over the same denominator. For example, 6 and 1/2 is 6x2=12+1=13 so it's 13/2 they should totally show an example so here say its 2 2/9 you would do 2x9+2= what 20 so do 20 over 9 cause that's the denominator. :) :p

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You must first find the common denominator and then multiply each fraction by a fraction that will make both denominators the same. In this case, the common denominator is 40. Refer to the related link for more information.13/8 - 3/5 =(5/5)(13/8) - (8/8)(3/5) =65/40 - 24/40 =41/40

How do you make an improper fraction a mixed fraction?

(:The answerstep1:multiply the whole number by the denominatorstep2:add the numerator to itstep3:keep your same denominator that's it!example:12/3=5/3

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Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number and so 25/13 = 50/26

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If you have the number 13 the denoninator would be 1. So like 13 over 1

12 over 13 plus 7 over 8?

To solve this problem, you must make equivilent fractions. What this means is you need to make the denominators of the two fractions the same. You need to find the least common multiple of 13 and 8. In this case, this number is 104. So, now we take the fraction 12 over 13, and multiply. To get 104 as the denominator you need to multiply 13*8. Then, since you multiplied the denominator by 8, you need to multiply the numerator by 8 as well. 12*8 is 96, so your new fraction is 96 over 104. Now, to get the denominator of 104 in 7 over 8, you need to multiply 8*13. Now, you need to multiply 7*13 as well. Your new fraction is 91/104. Now you add the numerators. 96+91=187. Your answer is 187 over 104. This is an improper fraction, which you need to convert to a mixed number. To do this, figure out how many times 104 goes into 187, which is one time. Now see how much is left over, which in this case is 83. So 83 is your numerator, and you keep the same denominator. So your answer is 1 and 83 over 104.

Which improper fraction is the same as 3 and one fourth?

3 1/4 is 13/4 as an improper fraction. to change a mixed number to an improper fraction just multiply the denominator by the whole number then add the numberator to that product. Take the answer and put it over your denominator. In this case 4 is the denominator.. so you multiply that by the whole number which is 3 in this case... the product would be 12. then you add 12 by the numerator which is 1 in this case. this will equal 13. then you take 13 and put 13 over the denominator which is 4. and this is how you find a mixed number to an improper fraction.

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Divide both, the numerator and denominator, by 5.