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The area under a v/t graph is how far you've gone. Choose a point on the time axis, read off the speed and find the area underneath. If its a straight line graph, all you have to do is find the area of the triangle. This area is the distance travelled in this particular time. Repeat for several more points on the time axis. Plot distance against time.

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Q: How do you plot a distance time graph when you are given a velocity time graph?
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What is a graph with time plotted on the x axis and distance plotted on the y axis called?

It could be a velocity graph or an acceleration graph. If the plot is a straight line it is constant velocity. If the plot is a curve it is acceleration.

How do you make an acceleration time graph from the data of a velocity time graph?

take the slope of every change in the velocity time graph and plot it

How do you go from a position graph to a velocity graph?

you can''s merely impossible! Assuming it is a graph of velocity vs time, it's not impossible, it's simple. Average velocity is total distance divided by total time. The total time is the difference between finish and start times, and the distance is the area under the graph between the graph and the time axis.

Difference between velocity time and distance time?

Velocity is distance divided by time. So the value of the velocity-time plot at any point in time will be the slope of the distance-time plot at that point in time.

How do you find final position in an velocity vs time graph?

I think you mean distance traveled. Every tiny period "dt" of time, the distance gone is the velocity at that time, times dt. Plot velocity against time. Each little slice of velocity times dt is a slice of the area. So the total distance is the total area under the graph from time t=0 to the finish, or to whatever time you want. This is the principle behind the Integral Calculus.

How do you generate a position-time graph from a velocity time graph?

A girl walks along a straight path to drop a letter in the letterbox and comes back to his initial position. Her displacement-time graph. Plot a velocity-time graph for the same

What do slopes of straight lines on a position vs time graph mean?

The question seems a bit ambiguous, but on a time versus distance graph, the slope indicates velocity (speed). So for instance, if you plot time on the X axis and distance on the Y axis, a steeper slope means greater velocity (more distance covered in less time).

What is a distance vs time graph?

A distance vs time squared graph shows shows the relationship between distance and time during an acceleration. An example of an acceleration value would be 3.4 m/s^2. The time is always squared in acceleration therefore the graph can show the rate of which an object is moving

A graph is constructed such that time in hours is the x-variable and distance in miles is the y-variable If you plot the distance that a car travels on the graph traveling at a speed of 60 miles?

A graph is constructed such that time (in hours) is the x-variable and distance (in miles) is the y-variable. If you plot the distance that a car travels on the graph traveling at a speed of 60 miles per hour, what is the slope of the graph?

How do you find distance given changing velocity time and uniform acceleration?

Two ways. Use an equation of motion: u=initial velocity, v=final velocity, a=acceleration, t= time and s=displacement: v=u+at s=ut+1/2at2 v2- u2 = 2as Or, plot a v/t graph and find the area underneath it at a particular time.

How does your distance time graph look alike?

It is a zig-zag plot.

What are uses of distance - time graph?

You can determine one variable from the other at any given point for that motion, and differentiating the graph gives you the speed at any selected point. You can do this without the plot itself but a graph shows the relationship clearly and immediately.