Whole Number: 65
Decimal: 65.0 [No amount in decimal places]
Fraction: 65/1
decimal= 23.0 fraction= 23/1
You can put 65% as a fraction, because 65 percent is the same as 0.65, which can be put into a fraction of 65/100 which can be reduced to 13/20.
To convert a fraction into a decimal number, divide the numerator (top number) of the fraction by the denominator (lower number) and add the decimal. Ex: 3/8 = 3 ÷ 8 = .375
To change a demcial to a fraction you have to....... 1. Say if they give you the number 0.05 this number is 5 hundredths 2. Now to change it into a demical you put the hundredths on the bottom and the 5 on the top
65% to a fraction = 65/100
65% into fraction = 65/100
put 65 over 100 and simplify. without simplifying it is 3 and 65 over 100
for a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. 9/10=.90. for percent what ever the decimal is, the percent is. .76=%76
For example when you have to write 0,1 and yo know that it is one tenth, you write it like 1 / 10.
Fraction: 65/100 Decimal: .65
Decimal - .65 Fraction - 65/100
279/24 gives you a fraction answer with a demical so if you know basic math you must move the demical point which leaves you with 11 and an remander of 15.