To convert a fraction into a decimal number, divide the numerator (top number) of the fraction by the denominator (lower number) and add the decimal. Ex: 3/8 = 3 ÷ 8 = .375
for a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. 9/10=.90. for percent what ever the decimal is, the percent is. .76=%76
279/24 gives you a fraction answer with a demical so if you know basic math you must move the demical point which leaves you with 11 and an remander of 15.
What is the demical equivelent of 4%?
Zero can be neither the numerator nor the denominator of a fraction.
decimal= 23.0 fraction= 23/1
Whole Number: 65 Decimal: 65.0 [No amount in decimal places] Fraction: 65/1
To change a demcial to a fraction you have to....... 1. Say if they give you the number 0.05 this number is 5 hundredths 2. Now to change it into a demical you put the hundredths on the bottom and the 5 on the top
for a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. 9/10=.90. for percent what ever the decimal is, the percent is. .76=%76
For example when you have to write 0,1 and yo know that it is one tenth, you write it like 1 / 10.
279/24 gives you a fraction answer with a demical so if you know basic math you must move the demical point which leaves you with 11 and an remander of 15.
0.07 (move the decimal over to the left two places)
Try again! There is no such word as demical, and since the number is already in decimal form, I assume the word is not meant to be decimal!