The number zero is both a integer and a whole number. This is taught in math.
In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.
Zero is Hero IF it present next to a number and Zero is zero id it present previous to a number(intial number)
A number less than zero.
In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.
The ancient Mayans were skilled in math and developed the concept of zero. They had a highly advanced number system and were able to perform complex mathematical calculations. This development of zero greatly influenced mathematics throughout the world.
a number greater than zero is a positive numberDigit!learn math!,5th grade teacher
a positive number
Zero is a number that is not effected by positive or negative signs.
Any number bigger than, or equal to zero. (Yes, zero is included).
math error is incorrect for this question because it is applied when you divide a number by zero which doesn't have a property because it is an error. it is the multiplication property of zero. The multiplication property of zero states that any number multiplied by zero is always zero.