Zero is Hero IF it present next to a number and
Zero is zero id it present previous to a number(intial number)
i think reasonable means in math if its worth any value such as the 0 its worth no value
On a coordinate graph, the origin is the point where the X axis and the Y axis intersect. That is the point where X=0 and Y=0.
ask your math teacher
Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.
i think reasonable means in math if its worth any value such as the 0 its worth no value
On a coordinate graph, the origin is the point where the X axis and the Y axis intersect. That is the point where X=0 and Y=0.
A chance is a probability that an event may or may not happen on a scale from 1 to 0
'1' is referred to as a unit. I am not sure if there is a special name for '0' though.
The result of addition is called the "sum."
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.
A math expression is a collection of math terms
Z is the set of all integers {... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
how many
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